Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 2 of Blogging...

I woke up, maybe an hour ago, thinking that I needed to post something. I want to keep this going, this whole blogging thing. I think it'll be an appropriate way to vent and process all my thoughts without doing something dangerous like lighting something on fire or throwing things. I think my therapist will be proud (Kidding, can't even afford a therapist with all the problems I've got going inside me).

Anywho, I mentioned whining yesterday. I guess I can start with that...

I'm currently in my second year of college, on my winter break. I'm supposed to be on the 2+4 pharmacy track but I've pretty much messed up all my chances of my transferring to New Brunswick next year. I barely passed all my science courses last year first semester (C's in all) and I failed my chemistry course spring semester last year (As a side note, I think my professor didn't like me. There's no way I actually failed my final exam, I knew about 70% of the material and while I never attended a class, I have several classmates that never attended a single lecture and still made it through with a C. I'd make a comment about him being racist, but there are other colored people in that class that passed... then again they're all smart whereas I'm lacking in that department). I mean I'm not stupid, I like to think that I'm pretty smart. My problem is laziness and procrastination. I leave everything to the last possible minute--including studying--and then I ask myself later on why I didn't get a high grade. I believe that if I focused on my school work only and did all my work and studying in a timely and regularly scheduled manner, I could be really smart and it could reflect positively on my grades. But I always say that when I'm on break. And I'm pretty sure every student knows what I'm talking about:

Week 1: "I'm going to do all my homework and study on time. I'm going to work so hard this year!" 
Week 2: "Fuck it". 

I'm positive I'm not alone in that. But I'm serious this time. I'm planning on getting two different planners. One that's solely monthly, so that I can map out what I have going on through the entire month so I can plan my study time accordingly. And my second planner will be a day planner--a day per page--so that I have ample room to write my homework and any other work I need to do for the next day. I plan to buy a red one for the day planner because it's for my immediate work, all the work that needs to be done within the next few days and I want a black monthly planner because it's used mainly for seeing what work I have to look forward to (insert sarcastic voice) during the month. I'm naturally a borderline OCD person and once I get into mapping and planning things like this out I'll stick to it. Although the important part is getting the right planner. For the past three semesters, I haven't had a planner because I keep buying the wrong one. I need a specific planner for me to be able to do this. That's why I've been researching different planners on different websites. And I've realized several things. Walmart and Target just don't understand my planner needs. Staples is no exception. They didn't have anything I wanted either. Office Max--dear, sweet Office Max--knew exactly what I wanted. I think I have four images of planners that I'm thinking of buying, and those planners aren't exactly cheap, I think the cheapest one I liked was at least $15. I guess that's the price I pay for passing grades. Hmm. 

That rant was longer than I expected it would be....

I feel like I have nothing else to say right now. 

I guess that's it. For now. I'll probably have something to say later, it being New Years Eve and all. 


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