Tuesday, January 1, 2013


2013. Those Mayans had us all worried for nothing. I kinda wished the world did end, that would be interesting.

In the words of Gabriella and Troy "It's the start of something new". I hope new stuff happens this year. And I hope this is a better year for me.

I turn twenty this year...Wooo. I always feel like there are supposed to be milestones in a person's life, you know? 13, 16, 18, 21 all seem to be so important to my other friends and not to mention anything media related, but when it happens to me... Not much. And just like how those birthdays don't seem to have as much glitz and glam in my life as they do others, this year's last year's Christmas and New Years didn't hold the same excitement as they usually do. For some reason they just seemed like days to me, nothing special, and that depresses me a little. I like the excitement and the wonder, it's supposed to be my favorite time of the year, but it wasn't this year. And that makes me sad.

My sister said this perfectly in a third grade journal entry: "I wish I were happier, but that's life" (Depressing that thought, but fits my mood oh so well).

Happy New Year to all of those that celebrate and I wish you the best for this upcoming year.

Buh bye for now!

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