Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Well, hello there!

It's definitely been a while. 

Not intentionally, but I guess I just haven't been having any interesting thoughts/rants I could tell you about. 

But today, I do. 

So it's about 3 weeks into the fall semester and I just had my first exam today. A calculus exam to be specific. 

And I have to admit, it has me a little discouraged. 

I've never actually studied for math. Ever. In my life. 

Math usually comes pretty easily to me and so I never find it necessary to study for math. More often just doing the homework would suffice. 

But this is calculus III and I knew that I needed to study for it. But because I've never needed to study for it previously, I have no clue where to begin when it comes to study. 

All I really did was write down all the formulas and their corresponding purpose. 

I mean that does help. Seeing it in front of me, all in one area makes it easier for me to "study." 

There were 8 questions on the test. I'm pretty sure I knew 5 of them. The other three... I don't know. 

I can only hope and pray to God that I can redeem myself from that pathetic show of math skills. 

This is why I hate assessments. I just freeze and forget things. 

I mean, give me a paper or a quiz, anything! But put a test in front of me and I just can't do it. 


I want to cry. 

Friday, September 6, 2013


I just found out that Dakota Fanning will be taking the female lead in Fifty Shades of Gray. 


I'm upset. 

A movie is all about the actors. Most of the time, a movie will appeal to an audience based on its cast. 

Especially for book adaptations. 

Now, I understand that everyone has their own opinions of how characters look, so therefore not everyone can be pleased. But this isn't just preference. 

Unless Miss Dakota Fanning has some sort of miraculous makeover, I cannot picture her as a submissive (yes I read the books, don't judge). She looks the same, I feel like she doesn't look old enough for this role. 

I mean, why? 

And the male lead. Charlie Hunnam, is it? 

Never heard of him. I had to look him up. 

He's apparently from Sons of Anarchy

I find myself greatly disappointed in the casting of this adaptation. Did the author really find these two as perfect for these roles?!

Was she high that day on set? 

I was excited to see how they were going to make the series into a movie, because their relationship revolved mainly around the BDSM concept and how it matures and evolves into a deep connection. I was initially interested in how they were going to explore the storyline. 

Now I'm not so excited. Not at all. 

I heard rumors of Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel. Now that was a pairing I was interested in and I found myself crossing my fingers that that would be true and they'd be cast. 

I was wrong and oh so disappointed. 


It's a sad day when a casting of a movie I look forward to is so disappointing. 

I can't even bring myself to properly end this post. 

Well, hello....

It's been a while since I've posted something. To be honest, at least months haven't passed before I realized I haven't written something.

But to be fair, I have wanted to write something on here. Initially, I've wanted to write something on here during my first day of school because on that particular day I had a two-hour break between my classes, so I knew I was going to bring my laptop with me.

I had decided before that day I was going to spend my break writing a post.

As you can see, that didn't happen.

I completely forgot. It wasn't on my mind and instead in just spent the break watching YouTube videos.

What a disappointment.

It has been pretty busy though, getting used to my classes, finding people to talk to in my classes, you know, the usual for the start of school.

I don't really feel like talking about classes. I don't want to jinx anything or start crying, so we'll just avoid the topic all together.

But in recent news, I am desperate to try the DevaCurl line. Particularly the 3-step process.

I watched practically all the videos pertaining to this subject and let me just say, I love Lorraine Massey. Her curls look amazing, SO defined and practically frizz-free.

I'm jealous.

And in all the clips I've seen from the DevaChan channel, I'm extremely jealous of all the curls. I want those perfect defined frizz-free practically glossy curls. *drool*

I want them.

I honestly want to buy the big bottles because I want to give it a solid month for my hair to get used to it and show results. Because for anything new, particularly skincare and haircare, I want to give it a solid 30 days for my skin and hair to get used to it.

I don't want to get the salon size, which I think is 32 ounces, because that'd be a bit too much. But there is a medium size, 12 ounces I think, is the one I want.

But it's $18.95. $18.95! For one bottle.

What? *sigh*

So I've resigned myself to buying the trial size because that's about $29.95 for a 3 oz bottle of No Poo, One Condition, AnGEL, and Set It Free. I think that'll work out. I am a little concerned that the little 3 oz bottle won't last me longer than one, maybe two showers. But if I really like it, maybe I'll buy the 12 oz if I really like it. Then I can buy bigger bottles of the rest when they run out. Which I think will be the best, in regards to my wallet.

I mean I just spent a good $50 on a pair of boots, so I'm trying to stay away from buying things that can wait. Recently, I've been buying things that I really need.

But I mean it's my hair. I don't know about you, but I can openly admit, I'm a smidgen vain. I like to look nice. It's imperative to my leaving the house.

For example, I'm fortunate enough to have relatively good skin. Don't get my wrong, I get blemishes like everybody else and the skin on my face is a little discolored, but it's nothing to cry over. But if I had pimples all over my face, my sister calls it pizza face (rude, I know), I honestly don't think I could go out without having some sort of mask on my face. Be it makeup or a ski mask. I don't want people to see that when they look at me. No thank you.

Like I said, vain.

I think without a doubt Filipinos as a culture are vain people. I mean all the ladies spend boatloads of money coloring their hair (hiding the grey) and buying the latest accessories (read: name brand).

Now, I'm not going deny the fact that I also love getting these "name brand" pieces. But a lot of these older Filipino ladies like getting the bags with the logo on it. Like the bags with the C's (Coach) or LV (Louis Vuitton), things like that. I like those brands as well, but I prefer the solid color leather bags, I like my bags simple and versatile, so that I can wear them with any outfit as well as last me for years to come. I mean if someone asks me what bag I'm carrying, I'll gladly tell them, but I don't want them to know exactly where my bag is from just by looking at it.

But that's just me.

Also, I don't understand why anyone would want sneakers from these "name brands." They're going to get dirty anyway, so why spend so much money on a sneaker.

I'll stick to my converse and Nike's, thanks.

I'm digressing. A lot.

But yes. Vanity.

I'm lusting after the DevaCurl Starter Kit, which has 12 oz bottles of No Poo and One Condition, a 3 oz bottle of I think Light Defining Gel, 4 or 6 DevaClips, and the DevaCurl microfiber towel.

Lusting after it.

I desperately want it in my life.

Well... that just about concludes this post.

Until next time!