Friday, December 27, 2013

Hello Internet.

Christmas has passed and now we're in that boring interim phase until New Years.

But oh my gosh. I have been obsessing (more than lately) over the newest episodes and I just have to tell you about Emma Approved.

The channel that uploads these videos are Pemberley Digital and they update Emma Approved twice a week, Monday and Thursday 9am PST.

So there were two episodes posted this week.

Episode 23, titled "Moment of Triumph" and it was, in my opinion, the highly anticipated episode. It was the holiday party. So much happened. A little bit of Elton's colors showed and Emma's slowly realizing that her plan's not working out the way she planned. Elton made things so awkward in this episode, in the beginning when he first came in he went for Emma's waist and then we see her awkwardly pull herself out of his grasp. Then when she tells him about Harriet being home sick Elton obviously doesn't care and is more concerned with having fun with Emma and meeting her dad. Which when he brought that up I was like: "You obviously want to meet him on a more personal basis, thinking you're in love with Emma and all that." 

The episode then progresses, Elton pretty much trying to be with Emma as much as possible and then later on Elton comes across as overbearing and he starts to show. Not just his politician personality, we get to see how he really is. Which I think is controlling. And his personality shows even more in the next episode.

Now before I put the next video up, I just want to address how absolutely heartbreaking Emma's face was at the end of the episode. You can totally see that she's finally seeing her plan is starting to split at the seams.

Onto the next episode...

Episode 24, titled "Vingt-et-un" which is "21" in French. Which I believe to reference how Senator Elton was supposed to be her "21 for 21." And if you watched this episode, you know how it turned out.

Not well.

I mean Emma Woodhouse is wearing sweats. You know that isn't good on any level. But still, despite the wall she hit in the last episode on the Senator front, she keeps on pushing. So naturally she wants to confront Elton and ask him directly indirectly about Harriet. And when she does Elton finally admits to being in love with Emma. And honestly, the sound that came out of my mouth most certainly was not of the human variety. And then because Emma doesn't return those affections and told him rather bluntly Elton blows up.

As what seems to be a prideful response, Elton essentially verbally attacks Emma solely because he didn't get the reaction he wanted when he admitted his love for her. And when Elton figures out that Emma planned for Harriet to be his perfect match he then attacks her competence. It was like I was personally insulted when he attacked Emma and especially when he insulted Harriet. There was a line in the episode when Emma says that Harriet is perfect for him and he replies with: "If I was running for student council, not for Congress."

I was personally affronted.

I mean yes Harriet is young, she's a recent college graduate. But to completely dismiss and almost belittle her like that? Clearly the Senator is used to getting what he wants and lashed out when things weren't going to plan.

Then he fired Emma? And stormed off?

What. A. Child.

And then she started to cry. I felt my heart broke.

I was hoping Knightley would walk in and console her and thankfully he did. He walked in, completely oblivious to the situation, but when he saw that her office was in a disarray and she was organizing, he immediately knew something was wrong. (Note: earlier in the episode, Emma admitted to Elton that she organizes when she's stressed out.) And then Emma admits that she's failed. And despite their disagreements over the entire Elton situation, Knightley didn't say anything. All he was focused on was consoling Emma while she cried on his shoulder.

I mean.... what?!
And then end episode.

And usually at the end of every episode, the last few seconds are full of links. The main ones are links to the previous and next episode and usually there's a little clip of the respective episodes. So naturally, I wanted to see the small clip of the next episode and do you know what I saw? There's not going to be a new episode for the whole of January. It's coming back in February 2014. Which when I saw 2014 I was like: "a whole year?!" But then I realized that's literally two months away and I that needed to reel in the dramatics.

Which in the context of the show makes total sense. I mean Emma's going through a very emotional time right now so it makes sense that she'd want to take a break from filming. But on one of the writer's/producer's tumblr, they mentioned that it's a production decision and that they want to regroup. Which I don't understand because the videos seem really well done and the acting is wonderful while we're on this topic.

I just don't know if I have that kind of patience. I mean I can barely handle the 3-day wait between Thursday and Monday episodes. Now I have to wait a whole month?

I'm just going to have to deal.

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