Sunday, August 25, 2013

Can I Just Say...

Step Up Revolution is up there as a Step Up favorite.

But let's be honest, Step Up will forever be in my heart as #1.

But the fourth movie... Wow.

Honestly, when I heard that Step Up made a fourth movie, I wasn't excited, in fact I was dreading it. I love the first movie. I mean who doesn't love Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan? Match made in heaven.

The second movie was eh. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. It didn't get me excited like the first one, and I didn't jump to re-watch the movie. That by the way is a huge indicator in whether or not I like a movie. If I'm excited to watch a movie a second, third, or nth time, then it's guaranteed that I love that movie.

The third one? I didn't like. I don't know. I wasn't interested in Moose in the previous movie, he's a cool character, but to watch a full movie predominantly about him? Didn't hold my interest. I found myself wanting to flip channels when there came a part where I felt bored (which was a lot). But I didn't. I kept watching hoping the movie would pick up. It didn't.

It might've been the whole story arc. You know, they were incoming freshmen and he wasn't so keen on staying as an engineering major and he wanted to pursue dancing somehow. Probably hit a little too close to home and I just couldn't watch it.

But the fourth one? Whoa.

I had put off watching it for a while and eventually I forgot all about it. But then recently, my sister and I were downstairs (my dad doesn't turn on the AC until around 4, so it's hot upstairs) watching TV. I was scrolling through the guide, seeing what else there was to watch because I wasn't interested in whatever channel we were on at that time. And while I was scrolling through HBO, I noticed that Step Up Revolution was about to go on. And I thought I'd give it the old college try.

I. Was. Shocked.

I didn't have many expectations when it came to this particular movie because I was pretty discouraged from the previous two. So I went into the movie thinking it'd be a good time, something that would help pass two hours, but it wouldn't be something I'd be excited about.

How wrong was I?

The opening scene was beautiful. I loved the fact that they went a different route with this movie. A flash mob. How cool is that? The last two movies were basically focused on dance battles and opposing sides. With this one, everyone was on the same side, fighting for the same things. And I loved that.

Of course the lead and his bestie weren't too hard on the eyes.

And can I just say that Misha Gabriel is adorable. His face.... Ugh.

I'm not an avid watcher of SYTYCD (or ABDC: I only watched season 1 in it's entirety, Kabba Modern stole my heart and haven't given it back), so I wasn't aware that there were so many dancers from there in this movie. And that one of them had the lead. Although to be fair, I knew who tWitch was because of his epic dance with Ellen.

My favorite dance however would have to be the Museum. Art coming to life. AH-mazing.

Now, I'd love to upload a YouTube video onto here of all these dances, but I'm not entirely sure how to do that. Also, I'm not sure whether that would fall into copyright issues because technically they are other peoples videos.

I also LOVED the initiation scene. I already loved the song and when I heard the beginnings of that song? Oh. I got excited.

I couldn't contain my excitement. Everything about it was perfect, I loved the setting, the dance, the people, the music, the mood. Ugh, it was all perfect.

And the protest dance? LOOOOOVVVEEEE.

I also loved the fact that after the protest dance, there was a scene where so many celebrity interviewers talked about "the mob." People like Jimmy Kimmel, Mario Lopez, Carson Daly, Jimmy Fallon, and Ellen DeGeneres. That made it so much more realistic, that something that big would garner so much media attention. And I love that all of them made a clip for this movie. How cool was that?

Then, naturally, like any movie, and the Step Up franchise is no exception, there's a conflict quickly followed by the denouement. Which I loved.

Then they all came together, gathered so many people to show to the board/committee/whoever that they weren't going down without a fight. Expressing themselves the only way they knew how: through dance.

Loved the final dance. It was essentially the culmination of the entire movie, and it ended it beautifully.

Honestly, I've seen this movie maybe 4 or 5 times in its entirety since my first viewing. But honestly, I've been watching the dance sequences on YouTube on repeat several times a day.

I'm a woman obsessed.

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