Friday, August 23, 2013


Now, I'm the first to admit that it doesn't take much for me to obsess over something. I get attached to things easily. 

For the past couple of days, while channel surfing, I find myself on E! network and a show called "Total Divas" is on. I'd never heard of it prior to seeing a scene where Nattie and Nikki are trying on lingerie. 

Surprising fact: I enjoy WWE. 

Shocking. I know. Additionally, I also enjoy boxing, but that'll be a whole other post. 

So imagine my surprise when I found out that WWE teamed up with E! network to make a reality show of the Divas. Granted, while not all the veterans and greats are there, I do like the girls on the show. 

Reality shows, man. I'm addicted. They're totally bad for you. I know. But they are soooooo addicting. 

But back to wrestling. The Bella Twins are on there. I will be the first to admit I love "twin magic." 

There are some people out there that hate it, but let's be real people. WWE is a show, these girls (guys also) are essentially entertainers. They do what they do to provide a show for us. When I watch matches on YouTube of The Bella Twins, there are a lot of comments about how they cheat. 

It's a show, people. They provide entertainment and they play their characters. 

I enjoy it. Who doesn't enjoy some pre-determined wins? 

But back to the show. Total Divas. 

I'm obsessed. I love the drama. But at the same time, it reminds me how boring my life is in comparison. 

I like how we get to see their personalities a bit better. Because from watching matches, you essentially get to know their characters, the person they're paid to put forth. And the tv show gives us a way to gauge who they are outside of the ring. 

I will tel you though, there is one person I'm glad is not on the show. 


For some reason, she just pisses me the fuck off. She's annoying, she's a bit slutty, she's kinda bratty... 

And that thing she did on stage? With Dolph? 


Like, honestly? Dolph Ziggler?

I'm not bashing him as a wrestler, he's good at what he does. 

But... I just don't like him. Don't ask me why or ask to me defend myself. Because I won't. i don't have a reasonable or logical answer to that other than: "I just don't." 

Wrestling is so fabulous. I forget who said it, might be one of the Bellas, but in one of the promos, someone said that WWE is "Broadway with body slams." And I think that's a great way to describe it. 

I also like watching the relationships. Because apart from watching the matches, I try not to get involved in all the relationships and stuff. 

But clearly that can no longer be the case as I watch more and more of "Total Divas." 

And without a doubt, I will get attached to couples and then slowly become obsessed, to the point of probably stopping my watching of the show should something happen that I don't like. 

Story of my life (regarding television and fanfiction). It's irrational, I know. 

But yes. There's only been 4 episodes and I'm beginning to develop attachments to almost all the couples. 

Not so much Vincent, though. The eyebrows? Sorry, no. 

I do adore John and Nikki. I know a lot of people think both Nikki and Brie are gold-diggers and that's the only reason they're with John and Daniel (respectively). 

I beg to differ. I mean, this is a reality show. We see what the producers want us to see and what they think will produce higher ratings. And from that limited perspective into people's lives, everyone seems comfortable in making judgements and statements about people and their relationships that they have no business making. 

It's like gossip in high school. 

Something, by the way, I hated. I stayed out of that dirty business as much as I could. 

... That got way deeper than I intended. 

But I do love John and Nikki. They're so cute together. They're both incredibly gorgeous and I think they complement/fit each other well. 

They're such a glamorous couple. I love Nikki's style. It's classy with a pinch of slutty. And I love that. 

I'm about to get real serious here and discuss the issue of "slutty." It has such a negative connotation these days and I don't like that. We can all agree on the fact that a "slut" is someone (female or male, I've found out) that sleeps around a lot. I mean, yes, it's disgusting if that person knowingly sleeps with attached people. I agree with that whole-heartedly. But if they're both single and consenting? Then what's the issue? Sexuality is a great thing. I think that knowing your body and being happy with your body and with yourself is the key to happiness.

Deep moment: over. 

There was an episode where John wore a button down and a tie. I'll be honest, that threw me. But there was also an episode where he was shirtless and chopping wood.

Can i just say... Lady wood, party of one.  

But that's enough of my lusting. 
As for Brie and Daniel. I do love them. But that beard? 

I'm not into that. Nope. I like Daniel a lot better clean-shaven. I've heard/read that some people think he looks like a teenager without the beard, but I like my men clean-shaven. I'm with Nikki on that regard. 

It reminds me of the epidemic currently affecting Hollywood celebrities. 

The hobo look? 

Long hair and that long full scruffy beard? 

Men like John Mayer, Antonio Banderas, Brad Pitt. 

Brad Pitt! Such a gorgeous man, ruining it with a beard. 

These poor celebrities. Afflicted with something terrible and they don't even know it. 

I know some ladies are into the hair. I don't mind a bit of scruff, a bit of 5 o'clock shadow. But that's it. That's where I draw the line. 

Similar to how I don't like long hair on men. Not my cup of tea. I think this hatred started back during Gilmore Girls. 

If you know the show, you probably know who I'm talking about. 

I mean when he was introduced to the show, he was fairly innocuous. I found him a little boring, to be frank. 

But then it happened. He slept with Rory. Took away her innocence. And made sweet naive Rory the other woman


The hatred I have for Mr. Dean Forrester is unreal and unparalleled.  

It's one of the reasons I can't watch Supernatural. During the one episode i managed to make it through, i found myself wanting to curse him out. And that interrupted my viewing pleasure, so I quickly put the kibosh on watching that show. 

Oh, in case you were wondering, I'm 5000% a Rogan fan. I cried for days after the series finale. I'm holding out on the Gilmore Girls movie, where the lovely producers can get their head out of their asses and get their shit together. I need Rory and Logan to reunite and eventually rekindle their relationship and be on their way to a happy and fulfilled life together. 

(BTW, this is the reason I am so obsessed with fanfiction. It's a way to get myself the happy ending and/or the closure I was never granted) 

I was sooo incredibly mad with how those Palladinos ended the show. I mean Lorelai gets her happy ending with Luke (I prefer myself some BalconyBuddy, but Luke's cool) and Rory gets what? Her education? Her future career opportunities? 

What? In what universe it that ok?! 

That just pissed me off and when I experience extreme levels, high or low, of any emotion, I cry. 

And cry I did. 

It was an emotional time for me. Couldn't keep it together for days after that. 


I feel like I covered so many topics in this post. I'll admit my thumbs are starting to feel the burn. And not in a good way. 

BTWs, blogging is a lot more convenient now that I have the app. I was a little hesitant about getting it. It had such a low review and there were a lot of negative reviews on the ability to upload pictures within a post.  

But these posts seems to be rather rant-y and I don't need to add pictures. I think if I want to add pics to a post I'll do it on my computer. Problem solved! 

  Girl with the Cramping Thumbs 

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