Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello Again...

This is a nice little tradition I've got going here. My sister volunteers at the local public library and it's about a twenty minute drive from the house and it's only an hour, so I opt to stay at the library, pack my laptop and all my wires so that I can blog with ease.

So, this blog post. I'm to mention my latest purchases. Surprisingly though, I've made some purchases this week as well. Two weeks in a row, I'm a happy happy girl.

But really, all my purchases were made yesterday. On Sunday.

Now because you don't know me, that probably doesn't mean anything. Now to someone who is familiar with my family and our habits/schedules/daily habits, knows that on Sunday we go to church in the morning. After church, we eat out (at the restaurant of our craving) and then usually we go shopping.

Yesterday after lunch we went to the Moorestown mall, in search of my sister's backpack.

Anecdote: My sister and I have been looking for a new backpack for high school but she's been inordinately difficult in searching for the perfect bag. She said several times that she doesn't want anything expensive (cough*kipling*cough) and she doesn't like any of the backpacks at Staples, Walmart or Target. So we had to venture into the commercial malls. 

Luckily we had found exactly what my sister was looking for in the second department store. Macy's.

Macy's has everything.

Anyway, After my sister had found her "dream bag," we sat down next to the entrance of one of the fitting rooms.

My legs were on fire and were bothering me so I sat down in hopes of returning their temperature back to normal. 

So while my mother was wandering in and out of the fitting room, my sister and I were sitting just outside reading fanfiction on our phones.

YES. I'm obsessed. Other people may call it obsession. I prefer to call it a lifestyle.

So in the midst of our reading. My mother was looking as some of the clothes on the racks in front of my sister and I. There was one in particular that I loved. Now I've been looking for a top similar to this for ages, I've seen other girls wear it and I desperately wanted one for myself. And because I'm on the more plus size side of things, it was a smidgen more difficult finding a similar looking top in a reasonable price range. Now it had occurred to me that I found this top in the women's section so it's a little bit above my age range, but nonetheless I thought the top was cute and I could see myself wearing it.

Now... keep in mind that I'm a little new to this whole blogger thing. So my posting abilities and wittiness are a little rough around the edges. But I'm trying. And hopefully after a while, I'll be a pro at this.





Ok. So I'm terrible at this. Can you blame me?

I'll just explain it to you.

It's a sleeveless button-down blouse. Chambray material on the shoulders, collar and all along the buttons. And from about above the bust down to where it ends just above my but it's made up of sheer, what looks to be chiffon, or a fabric similar to chiffon. On the chiffon the majority of it is an off-white, almost creamy white color, and down the center, following the buttons down the front and down the center on the back is a medley of greens, purples, browns, oranges, blues and yellows in the form of leaves (similar to ferns) and flowers. It's really cute and I got it in a XL.

EDIT: I've figured it out. I can now upload pictures. Now I've yet to become comfortable in front of the camera, let alone post pictures on the interweb, so Google pictures will just have to suffice. 

Cute, yes? I can rock it. Don't you worry. Now, back to the original post...

Now I know that plus size girls aren't supposed to wear things that billow over them and are too big, and yes the L fit me well. But with the XL, there's a bit more room around the arm hole and and it's long enough to cover my butt, should I decide to wear it with leggings. Also, I've also decided that I might also wear a belt around the waist, if I one day decide to emphasize my waist. Which I hear is a nifty trick that plus size girls should indulge in.

About the tips of plus size women fashion. I say if you feel sexy in it and you can rock it with confidence, then go for it.

Because let's be honest, the most attractive thing a girl can wear is confidence and a smile.

That's incredible cheesy and sounds like it originates from some sort of self-help book. So we'll just stop right there.

Now after Macy's, we left the mall and went decided to go to Kohl's.

If there was every a place that I could always go and spend money, it would be Kohl's.

Usually I end up buying clothes, but shockingly enough, I bought shoes. And to be completely honest, what I ended up buying was a little bit surprising.

Backstory: if there's one trend that I cannot stand, it's the hidden wedge sneaker. Wedges, love. Sneakers, yes. But hidden wedge sneakers, I cannot stand. I know from everything I've heard and read and seen, that's it's one of the trends that people either love or hate. I'm on the hate side. I cannot stand the way they look and it's just... NO. For one they look like chunky sneakers. I hate chunky sneakers. Like Osiris, DC, Vans or any of those ridiculous sneakers I hate. On guys and girls alike. I just don't like the way they look. It looks messy and unkepmt. And... just NO. I prefer more streamline shoes. Sleek shoes that can follow the natural contours of your foot. Sneakers like Converse, Puma, Nike I love. I have a pair of each. Now, going back to my original topic, hidden sneaker heels. STOP IT. 

So. I bought a pair of ankle boots, cute black ankle boots. That have a hidden wedge.

Does that make me a hypocrite?

Survey says....... you can tell me the answer to that in the comments below.

I think they're adorable. But I've got massive calves and my ankles are pretty slim.

THANK GOD I don't have cankles. 

So I'm at a bit of a loss about how to wear them. But honestly when I saw them, and especially when I put them on, I knew I had to buy them. There was no way I was going to leave that store without a pair of these booties in my possession.

Figured it out b*tches!!!! Thank you wikihow, you are a blessed godsend.

Isn't it cute? It looks like my other flat boots, but no! It gives me like two inches of height, and my sister and I are now the same height.

I've just got to figure out how to wear them and look good wearing them.

Now, other than my beautiful, beautiful boots, I also bought underwear, but those are personal, you don't want to see that, I don't want to show anyone that (well, at least not on the internet) so we'll just say I bought a few sets and leave it at that.

That actually concludes my purchase history of the last week...

Oh, wait... I lied. I forgot. Last Thursday, my mother had a hair appointment and recently she's been loving a stylist from Ulta, so she gets her hair done there. Now this is a mutually beneficial thing we've got going on here. My mom can get her hair cut while I can browse the aisles seeing what strikes my fancy and anything in particularly I want.

I had been lusting after the Real Techniques brushes for the longest time. I hear and read that they're amazing quality and they're extremely inexpensive. I own one. The expert face brush.

Insert photo you brilliant novice.

I'm getting better at this thing.

Anyway, yes. This brush is awesome. For the moment, because I'm just now getting into face makeup (I've been wearing eyeliner since I was twelve), I've been using this for foundation, because that and concealer are the only face makeup I've been using until that point. Now I'm trying to branch out into different makeup products, because I've noticed that when i use foundation and I've perfected my skin, it looks flat. My face is all one shade, there's no dimension to my face whatsoever and I don't like that it looks flat. So I want a good quality inexpensive bronzer. I went to the Mac counter and bought a MSF Natural but I feel like the color is my exact skin tone. I mean I'm not too pissed off, I got another face powder out of the deal, so it benefits me.

But back to my purchases. While my mom was getting her hair did, I looked at the Real Technique brushes and I decided to buy powder brushes.

I actually wanted to buy the set that included the buffing brush, but it cost $17.99 and most times Ulta has a "Buy One Get One 50% Off" offer, so I'll wait until then. 

Because right now, during the summer, I'm only using concealer and powder, I wanted to get a large fluffy brush that I can use to dust powder all over to set my makeup but also keep my from adding too much and start looking cakey (admittedly I have a heavy hand when applying makeup).

So I saw two brushes that fit the bill.

The Real Techniques Powder Brush

And the Real Techniques Blush Brush. 

Now I know that the second brush was a blush brush is geared towards blush, but i like the shape for powder. They're both incredibly soft and I've only used the blush brush thus far and it's incredibly soft. I just want to run the brush all over my face all the time. It's that soft. 

I had also bought the Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel because I'm an oily monster and I needed to buy a new bottle. 

Now that concludes my purchases of this week. 

That's what I call a productive week. 

Ok. That's the end of this post. 

For real. 

Til next time guys! 

- JoAnne 

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