Saturday, August 17, 2013

Guess Who Bought Stuff??


Since I no longer have the hour of solitude during my sister's volunteering hour, I am now improvising.

My family and I just got back from Delaware, a day of tech shopping.

We're a little weird when we go shopping for anything tech-related.

If it's a tv, computer, or anything techie, my family chooses to go to Delaware to buy them.

Because Delaware's got it right when it comes to no taxes.

So today we went to New Castle, I think, in search of a PC for my dad. He's been pretty frustrated with the one he currently has and has been wanting a new one. So while he was looking for a PC, my sister and I raided the DVD section.

My dad has a Best Buy membership rewards card, and because we only ever buy big things (i.e. TVs, computers, laptops, etc.) at Best Buy, he had quite a bit of certificates avaliable. It totaled to $90.

Can you say hell yes.

I have a lot of TV shows that I currently obsess over. So I had a list of things that were a must-have and anything else I get would be bonuses.

I knew for sure I wanted to get "Cover Affairs: Season Three" because I LOVE Simon Fischer. Love, love, love. Like I rewatched the episodes he was in for days in a row. Obsessed.

So that was the first thing I went for.

Next of the list was "Downton Abbey: Season Two" because that show is unbelievable addicting. But imagine my shock when this particular Best Buy had both season 2 and 3 in blu-ray. BLU-RAY!

Did I mention my family doesn't have a blu-ray player.

I'm sure you now realize my completely and utter frustration. Oh, they for sure had season 1 in both blu-ray and standard. But did seasons 2 or 3? Nope. Nada. Zip. Zero. How completely and utterly frustrating. Do after about 10 minutes for walking around in desperation, I decided to walk around and see what else I could buy to fill up the budget. So after some wandering, I saw True Blood. Another show I absolutely lust over (cough*sooric*cough). I already have the first two seasons, so I knew I needed season 3, I've seen everything, but the DVDs are hella expensive, so I wait around until price goes down to at least, at least $30, because then I can buy two sets instead of one. But because I planned on buying other things, I decided to buy only season 3 (despite the fact that season 4 is my absolute favorite season so far...).

After True Blood, my sister and I decided to buy some movies because we are in desperate need of new DVDs because we've watched all our movies a billion times over (slight over-exaggeration, i know).

So first DVD we picked up was The Avengers. My sister and I are HUGE Marvel fans. But I have no funny/interesting anecdote about this topic, so I think I'll just end that there.

I had about $10 left, so we walked around looking for the sale items.

Another 10 minutes of walking around the DVD section, I knew what I wanted to buy.

Sex and the City: The Movie. The 1st one! The 2nd one, while it is good, just isn't as good as the first.

This post seems a bit text heavy, but honestly, I'm a too lazy to search and upload pictures. And I think since I might just post whenever I buy something, however frequent that may be, these posts may be a little shorter than the past few posts, but I hope that'll be ok.

Maybe that way this blog will get a little more action...

Until next time!

-- JoAnne

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