Friday, December 27, 2013

Hello Internet.

Christmas has passed and now we're in that boring interim phase until New Years.

But oh my gosh. I have been obsessing (more than lately) over the newest episodes and I just have to tell you about Emma Approved.

The channel that uploads these videos are Pemberley Digital and they update Emma Approved twice a week, Monday and Thursday 9am PST.

So there were two episodes posted this week.

Episode 23, titled "Moment of Triumph" and it was, in my opinion, the highly anticipated episode. It was the holiday party. So much happened. A little bit of Elton's colors showed and Emma's slowly realizing that her plan's not working out the way she planned. Elton made things so awkward in this episode, in the beginning when he first came in he went for Emma's waist and then we see her awkwardly pull herself out of his grasp. Then when she tells him about Harriet being home sick Elton obviously doesn't care and is more concerned with having fun with Emma and meeting her dad. Which when he brought that up I was like: "You obviously want to meet him on a more personal basis, thinking you're in love with Emma and all that." 

The episode then progresses, Elton pretty much trying to be with Emma as much as possible and then later on Elton comes across as overbearing and he starts to show. Not just his politician personality, we get to see how he really is. Which I think is controlling. And his personality shows even more in the next episode.

Now before I put the next video up, I just want to address how absolutely heartbreaking Emma's face was at the end of the episode. You can totally see that she's finally seeing her plan is starting to split at the seams.

Onto the next episode...

Episode 24, titled "Vingt-et-un" which is "21" in French. Which I believe to reference how Senator Elton was supposed to be her "21 for 21." And if you watched this episode, you know how it turned out.

Not well.

I mean Emma Woodhouse is wearing sweats. You know that isn't good on any level. But still, despite the wall she hit in the last episode on the Senator front, she keeps on pushing. So naturally she wants to confront Elton and ask him directly indirectly about Harriet. And when she does Elton finally admits to being in love with Emma. And honestly, the sound that came out of my mouth most certainly was not of the human variety. And then because Emma doesn't return those affections and told him rather bluntly Elton blows up.

As what seems to be a prideful response, Elton essentially verbally attacks Emma solely because he didn't get the reaction he wanted when he admitted his love for her. And when Elton figures out that Emma planned for Harriet to be his perfect match he then attacks her competence. It was like I was personally insulted when he attacked Emma and especially when he insulted Harriet. There was a line in the episode when Emma says that Harriet is perfect for him and he replies with: "If I was running for student council, not for Congress."

I was personally affronted.

I mean yes Harriet is young, she's a recent college graduate. But to completely dismiss and almost belittle her like that? Clearly the Senator is used to getting what he wants and lashed out when things weren't going to plan.

Then he fired Emma? And stormed off?

What. A. Child.

And then she started to cry. I felt my heart broke.

I was hoping Knightley would walk in and console her and thankfully he did. He walked in, completely oblivious to the situation, but when he saw that her office was in a disarray and she was organizing, he immediately knew something was wrong. (Note: earlier in the episode, Emma admitted to Elton that she organizes when she's stressed out.) And then Emma admits that she's failed. And despite their disagreements over the entire Elton situation, Knightley didn't say anything. All he was focused on was consoling Emma while she cried on his shoulder.

I mean.... what?!
And then end episode.

And usually at the end of every episode, the last few seconds are full of links. The main ones are links to the previous and next episode and usually there's a little clip of the respective episodes. So naturally, I wanted to see the small clip of the next episode and do you know what I saw? There's not going to be a new episode for the whole of January. It's coming back in February 2014. Which when I saw 2014 I was like: "a whole year?!" But then I realized that's literally two months away and I that needed to reel in the dramatics.

Which in the context of the show makes total sense. I mean Emma's going through a very emotional time right now so it makes sense that she'd want to take a break from filming. But on one of the writer's/producer's tumblr, they mentioned that it's a production decision and that they want to regroup. Which I don't understand because the videos seem really well done and the acting is wonderful while we're on this topic.

I just don't know if I have that kind of patience. I mean I can barely handle the 3-day wait between Thursday and Monday episodes. Now I have to wait a whole month?

I'm just going to have to deal.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Or happy holidays to those non-Christians. Or happy Tuesday to those that don't celebrate anything this time of the year.

But I have to be honest with you, it doesn't feel like Christmas. I don't know what's different. Maybe it's me and I just haven't been letting myself get into the holiday spirit this year. Though by that regard, I should be extremely happy and into the Christmas spirit.

If you read my last post, then you know that I let loose a huge can of worms and to my surprise and gratefulness, it turned out in my favor. If that's not cause for celebration, I don't know what it. I mean the past three years have been wrought with guilt and shame, yet I enjoyed the Christmas season then. But now, with everything out in the open I find myself a little bored and unhappy with the lack of spirit I have within myself.

It's weird.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

So. It Happened.

I told them.

I mean I knew that I would have to tell them eventually, but I never really thought about when it would happen. And it happened pretty organically. The main reason why I didn't tell them sooner though is because I didn't know when or how would be best to bring it up to them. I didn't want to ruin the day with telling them about my absolute failure as a college student and I also didn't know how to even begin that conversation.

"So my life sucks. Can't be an engineer anymore. What's for dinner?"


"How was my day? Well, I just learned that all my efforts over the summer and this semester were all for naught. I can't be an engineer thanks to the asshole engineering dean. How was yours?" 

I mean while that may work out nicely in my head, I have a feeling that it wouldn't pan out the same exact way in real life.

I am glad they know now. It's definitely been quite the cross to bear these past few weeks. And now I feel relieved. I can honestly talk about how my classes are going, and they know about my being booted from the Honors College. Though honestly, I can get back into the Honors College, as long as I bring my GPA back up to a 3.0. I did lie a little bit about my GPA. I told them it was a 2.9, when really it's around a 2.6/2.7. I mean it's not that big of a stretch. But still. It's a lie.

I know no college major is ever going to be easy though. I recognize that fact. But still.

Although apparently I was a little premature with emailing Laura about my taking a semester off.

Now that they know about my struggles with engineering, they told me that I can pick whatever major I want to take. My struggles were all for nothing because apparently they would've been ok with whatever major I wanted. And now I'm frustrated with myself because then I could've chosen to be a psychology major to begin with and I'd have graduated by now. Because you know I'd want to be that bad bitch that graduates college in less than four years. All those science and math courses I took for no reason. All that struggling and crying I did for nothing.

But I do feel better. About college. My future. Everything.

Now I get to have a major that requires classes that interest me. That's exciting! And a first!

I've always been the friend that people talk to their problems with and now it's a possibility that I'll end up getting paid for it? I think that's something I can get behind.

I may get my happily ever after after all. 
Here's to hoping that these next few years will make me happier and give me a sense of purpose.

Thanks Kenzi. I may just do that. 

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hi. Me Again.

It's been a while.

And I have lots to tell you.

I've started watching a few new shows. And I'm obsessed. Although, one show I'm kind of boycotting until my OTP get back together.

Note: I'm not good at being vague, so there's going to be a lot of spoilers. So if you're not into that, I highly suggest you not read ahead...

Anyway. Show #1.


Yes. Yes. Yes.

It's a show with supernatural characters. Now, I've seen vampires, werewolves, zombies (though I haven't watched any shows on this, creep me out), ghosts, and the like.

So this show has all those, as long as a few new ones. But the main character Bo is a succubus.

A succubus!

How cool is that. She feeds from sexual energy.

Um, yes please. And where do I sign up?

And not only that, but there's a love triangle. Now, I know what you're about to say, that's nothing new, most shows nowadays have more than one love interest. But wait!

The two love interests are of different genders.

Now, usually this is where I'd describe the characters, but that's not possible without injecting my personal opinions into the description. And because this is a show with supernatural characters, they have histories. Ergo, I'm using the interweb to help me.

BO is a succubus, she's unaligned, which coincidently is the what makes her so interesting to all parties involved.

The following information is from Lost Girl Wiki:

ARC: "Bo is a bisexual Succubus raised by human parents who adopted her as an infant. During her first sexual experience, she involuntarily killed her high school boyfriend by draining him of his life energy. Not knowing what she had done and why it had happened, Bo ran away from home, living a life without friends or family, and moving from place to place, changing identities each time she killed again.  It was not until she was discovered by the Fae, and helped by the Light Fae's human doctor and scientist, that she finally learned what she was and how to control her chi-draining powers."

PERSONALITY: "Bo has one foot in each of two worlds: the Fae and the Human. Bo is fiercely independent and chooses not to subjugate herself to either the Light Fae or Dark Fae, and frequently disregards the rules of the Fae world in order to do things her own way. Despite being independent, she has shown great loyalty to her friends, frequently risking her life to help them. Having suffered verbal and religious conservative abuse from her adoptive parents, Bo had a great deal of resentment and guilt towards them. Before making peace with her adoptive mother, Mary, she confessed that her mother's cruel words about her being "a monster" – after Bo sought her help and support when she caused Kyle's death – often echoed inside her head. Because she grew up among humans, Bo does not regard them as inferior beings as most other Fae do, and prefers to live among them while still keeping her true nature hidden. Due to her succubus species Bo is an extremely sexual being, not only needing sex to feed and survive but also to heal. Since learning how to control her chi-drawing powers, Bo has been able to enjoy sex freely without fear of killing a sexual partner."

LAUREN is a human doctor who's "owned" by the Ash, a.k.a. the light Fae.

The following information is from Lost Girl Wiki:

ARC: "Despite being human, Lauren's position earns her the respect of the Light Fae. She was seduced by Bo during their first meeting and has since fallen in love with her. A scientist with specialization in genetics and cryptozoology, she has extensive knowledge of the different species of Fae and their abilities, and finds the sphere of human medical science mundane by comparison. In the first season, she helped Bo learn how to control her chi and sexual energy feeding. In the second season, after The Ash who convinced her to serve him and the Light Fae was left in a comatose state from being critically wounded in a suicide bombing arranged by Aife, Lauren was passed on to Lachlan, the new Ash, as 'chattel.'"

DYSON is a light fae wolf-shifter.

Like I said before, I'm using an internet source for character descriptions so it's unbiased.

The following information is from Lost Girl Wiki:

ARC: "Dyson works in the human world as a homicide police detective in the 39th Division Homicide Squad. Though at first glance he appears middle-aged, he was born centuries before the events portrayed in the show and is actually 1,500 years old. He spent centuries in Ireland serving the Laignach Faelad wolf-shifter King of Ailech with his best friend, Stefan. In terms of shifter tradition, warriors like Dyson fearlessly and unquestioningly believed in total loyalty to their King. This changed when the King betrayed his wolf pack and had his best friend, Stefan, killed to take his wife, Ciara, for himself. After this, Dyson left his pack for good, becoming, in effect, a lone wolf.

PERSONALITY: "Dyson is often short tempered and easily aggravated. He is also fearlessly and unquestioningly loyal to his friends and displays a certain respect for rules and the law. However, he shows willingness to bend rules in order to serve his friends, particularly Bo. Centuries ago, when Dyson was part of a wolf pack, he believed in total loyalty to the pack's king. This only changed when his king betrayed and had his best friend, Stefan, killed to acquire Stefan's wife, Ciara. After this, Dyson left the pack for good, becoming, in effect, a lone wolf. This might explain why Dyson sometimes gives the impression of being 'cold'."

Now. Time for my opinion. 

I am without a doubt, 100%, fully, wholeheartedly, emphatically and COMPLETELY...

This needs to be a shirt. Pronto.
I'm in love. Dyson is just perfect. First episode I already picked a team, and three seasons later, I'm still staunchly Team Dyson. I love for moments between these two. Whether it's sexual, personal, or just playful banter, I revel in those moments and my heart bursts with feels. 

Now most shows have cute ship names for all the couples on the show. Lauren and Bo are "Doccubus" for "doctor" and "succubus." Kitchy, I know. Although for Dyson, I've only ever seen/read "Team Dyson." But on tumblr, I saw "Dogubus." I guess dog is synonymous with wolf, but I feel like that's a bit derogatory, so I don't think Dyson would like that very much. Ergo, I'm sticking with "Team Dyson." 

I want a t-shirt with that image above. I would wear that with pride. 

As for Doccubus, I don't like them together. Do I have a reason why? No. 

I like the fact that they have a same-sex relationship in the show and that they ("they" being the writers) don't make a big deal out of it (coughGLEEcough). I was originally unbiased. Yes, I had a preference for Dyson... 

I mean... Would you kick that out of your bed?  
But I didn't mind the Lauren/Bo flirtations. But then it happened. The Ash wanted Bo distracted and told Lauren to do "what she had to do" to keep Bo occupied. So, Lauren being the loyal light chattel did what she had to do. She went to bed with Bo. And poor Bo. She was into Lauren, she had feelings for her. And there's Lauren, capitalizing on Bo's feelings. How cold. And then when Bo found out? You could tell she was hurt. And me being the invested viewer, I was hurt too. After that, my trust in Lauren dropped, practically disintegrated. I just couldn't find myself to trust her, therefore I don't like her anymore. That just solidified my love for Dyson. 

I mean don't get me wrong, Dyson had his douche-y moments. But I mean the majority of those moments happened after the Norn took his love for Bo away, so it wasn't totally his fault. And then when he (actually Kenzi did that) got his love back, those douche-y moments disappeared. And now, apparently Bo unknowingly pledged to the dark fae. After her and Dyson sexed it up in the ring, a scene that got me so excited and happy I was literally clapping and squealing in my seat. Can't these two catch a break? I mean I just want them to be happy and together. Is that too much to ask for?  

This adequately represents my struggles while watching this incredibly addicting show...
I should switch gears before I become visibly upset. 

Show #2. 

I didn't really purposefully look for this show. I had just finished watching the three seasons of Lost Girl and the fourth season hadn't premiered yet, so I was in limbo, waiting. And at the rate my obsession was going (I started watching any and ALL videos pertaining to Lost Girl) I knew that I needed to watch something, anything to get my mind off the show (read: Dyson/Bo). 

Now for whatever reason I remembered this show or at the very least the title back when it first came out, so naturally I looked up the season 1 promo, to see the general gist of the show, if it interested me. 

And this is what I found. 

The longest trailer ever. I almost didn't watch the show. I thought the promo was of the season. Like she starts off with everyone hating her, then in a moment of true teamwork, they realize that they each have a part to play and that she does belong in town. But then I watched the first episode. The promo pretty much summed up the entire first episode, save for a few one-liners. 

It's a cute show. I was entertained. 

And you know how with most shows, there's a few love interests, to keep the show going, viewers interested and all that jazz. Well this show's no different. 

So there I was, watching the first episode, and Zoe meets the first guy, a man by the name of George Tucker.

Gorgeous, southern gentleman.
Nothing to shake a stick at.
So naturally, in my head I'm all ready to start my obsession over a new couple. 

Then they introduce another guy, by the name of Wade Kinsella. 

Hot blonde, guitarist, bad boy with a heart.
I though that they'd be friends, you know someone to have Zoe's back. I thought, ok, this is nice, progression, fine. 

Then Zoe gets drunk, goes for a walk and Wade finds her and does that 2 mph drive next to her that all guys seem to be so good at. Then they proceeded to have a hot make-out session. I blushed. But then I remembered George and I got indignant. And then we find out that George is engaged! 

The blows just kept on coming. Which was to be expected because it's a CW show. And what would a CW show be without drama. 

Now I'm not the kind of girl to step on other girl's toes. So I backed off of George. I figured that there would be a love interest introduced later on. Lo and behold, Wade steps up. 

The banter increases and the sexual innuendos continue. And then they kiss! Again! 

How can you deny that these two belong together after a kiss like that?!
 But these two run so hot and cold my soft heart couldn't take it. I'm clearly not one for any type of angst. But then as the season went on Wade's feelings became a little more obvious and Zoe stayed completely oblivious. It frustrated me to no end. 

And then when Zoe was made aware of Wade's feelings, she pushed them aside because she was stuck on George. I wanted to shake that girl. Here's a guy that's gorgeous and so completely into her and she's not willing to give it a shot because she pictures herself with someone like George. Grr. 

This is why I shouldn't marathon shows. These two shows are the perfect examples. When I find a new show, usually there's a few seasons out already, so I start at the beginning, naturally. But when that happens, I'm so quick to form attachments, especially to couples. I spend a lot of my time invested in a TV relationship. I'm positive this isn't good for my health. And when I love a couple, that rarely ever changes. In fact, it usually only gets stronger as time passes. 
Case in point. And at this scene,
I literally felt my heart fill with feels.
But back to Hart of Dixie. Wade and Zoe broke up. And I'm currently boycotting the show until I hear/read that they're back together. So there's that. 

Next up on my new obsessions isn't a TV show. It's a web series. 

I love everything Austen so naturally my curiosity got the best of me. I loved the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Dizzie got my heart all a flutter. So when I heard that they were adapting Emma I wanted to watch it. And so far, I'm not disappointed. We're only 21 episodes in, and LBD had 100 episodes, so if they're doing the same, we've still got a long way to go. I have read the book, so I know what's going to happen and they're moving pretty quickly along. Also since the book was only in Emma's POV we were limited to what we were exposed to, but in this web series, you get to see so much more. They're always cast so beautifully, and I mean literally. 

L > R: Mr. Knightley, Emma, Senator Elton, Harriet, George, Mr. Weston(?), Annie Weston
Aren't they a gorgeous bunch? 

If you've read the book, you know what happens. Knightley and Emma are meant to be, Mr. Elton is a total ass and Harriet is lost. And it's even more obvious in the web series. Knightley and Emma are so cute together. And when they brought in Mr. Elton? Ah! His infatuation is completely transparent and I find myself completely frustrated with Emma's obliviousness. Oh and in one episode Emma mentions Knightley's ex and I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be Jane Fairfax. In both the book and this series, Emma clearly doesn't like Jane, who if I remember correctly is supposed to mirror Emma in looks and accomplishments. 

I'd insert a video here, but there's 21 episodes and I'm not about that life, so instead I'll insert a link here: EmmaApproved Playlist  

Now it's neared half-past midnight, so I best be off to bed if I have any hope of getting up at a reasonable hour tomorrow morning to study. 

If only I had my own personal Wade to put me to bed... sigh.

I'd say this was a successful post.  

Also, note that I didn't feel like rereading this post. So if there's anything amiss... Fix it in your head.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Burberry Prosum Leather Sleeve Trench


Can we all just take a minute to absorb and appreciate the epic beauty of this piece of outerwear? I mean it's Burberry, so you know it's a damn good coat. But... *drools*

I'm obsessed. It's officially begun.

I bought a black trench a few weeks back, it's made out of that raincoat material, so I can wear it in the rain. So that's a bonus.

But this coat. I'd wear it just because I could.

Now I know it's Burberry, so I'm not even entertaining the idea of ever owning this coat, so apart from looking at pictures and staring lustily at it, I'm not doing anything about it.

But I am seeing this coat everywhere. I'm guessing that means it's very on trend right now?

I saw it on a commercial, I think ShopStyle it was. And I loved that one. But I don't like online shopping. Mainly because I'm a plus size girl, so I need to physically try things on to make sure everything buttons, zips, closes and cinches in all the right places. So there's that.

Then I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday and we somehow landed on the topic of jackets and I mentioned my obsession with this particular style of coat. And then she mentioned that she found one in this style in Marshalls. Marshalls! Now I'm not entirely sure if all Marshalls carries this particular coat, because she lives up north and they might carry different stock.

But I hope the Marshalls near my house has that! So much so that I want to check sometime this weekend.


I want that jacket so badly. I think it looks so classy yet so edgy. And despite it having leather sleeves, I definitely think this has the potential of being a timeless piece. I mean trench coats are always classy and leather jackets never really go out of style, so if you put leather sleeves on a trench coat, that just makes it infinitely better. Also, that means I could potentially (should I ever be lucky enough to find and purchase one) push up the sleeves. Because while I like my sleeves long, there are times when I'm doing something and I want to pull my sleeves up but don't want to take off the coat/jacket I'm currently wearing.

Call me lazy, sue me.

The coat is just amazing. I've been staring at pictures for days. Looking online seeing who carries a coat in this style. I did find one on Macy's website, but the reviews were pretty discouraging, so I didn't really put much stock into that one.

But that won't stop me. I'll find it's cheaper alternative.

Burlington Coat, Marshalls, Ross... Get ready for me!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello, old friend.

It's been a while. To say the least. 

And to be frank. My life is a mess. 

My parents joke around that I can't keep my emotions from anybody, that my face is an open book. 

If only they knew. 

My academic career is in shambles. I'm honestly thinking about taking some time off of school. Maybe a semester. Maybe a year. 

But I don't want to waste my parents' money. Which I already am by not picking a major. 

It's honestly been fucked up since the beginning. When I applied for colleges, I put pharmacy for Rutgers-NB but I put nursing for Rutgers-Camden. 

Lo and behold, I didn't get into NB but I did get into Camden. So I went to college a nursing major when everyone else (parents included) thought I was going to college as a pharmacy major. 

This messiness clearly knows no bounds. 

I was taking courses geared towards pharmacy, but because I wasn't enrolled/registered/majoring in pre-pharmacy, the option to transfer into the pharmacy school in NB was never really an option for me. 

So when the time came for me to recieve an email about an interview and my impending transfer, I had to cover up my lie. I told my parents that I didn't get in, that I someone else got picked over me, which isn't a complete lie, but it was told over 2 years too late. 

Then I thought I'd become an engineer. A civil engineer like my dad, to be specific. So then I explored that option with my parents, the engineering dean, my advisors, etc. And the consensus was that I just need to take the prerequisite classes necessary for me to transfer. 

Take a couple for math classes, ok. Physics for a 3rd time, sure. 

So now I'm in my third year, taking classes geared towards my new major. And then time for spring registration rolls around. So, like a college student that's on top of things, I email the dean of engineering about what classes I should register for next semester. 

Side note:While waiting for that response I find out that I massively bombed my second calc III exam

So when I recieve the reply, I find this long 4 paragraph email about how my (math/science) GPA isn't where it needs to be to be accepted into the engineering school and while he doesn't mean to be "harsh," he told me that I need to "explore my options because engineering wasn't going to be a possibility for me." 


I wasted MY time. 
I wasted MY PARENTS' money. 

And for what? A major that, turns out, isn't a possibility for me. 

I am angry. 

I am disappointed. 


I mean my GPA hasn't changed drastically since last spring. I took a class over the summer and it went up a smidgen. But it didn't change dramatically. 

So why didn't he tell me this last year? 

He waited until I took a summer class and a semester of classes that the major I thought I was working towards isn't a possibility? What kind of bullshit is this? 

And I can't even yell at him! 

He's a fucking dean at that school. I'd get suspended or some shit if I decided to do something. 


I just wish I could punch him in the face. 

Kick him in the balls. 

Grind his face into the pavement. 
That wouldn't even satisfy the anger burning inside me. 

Don't misunderstand. I'm not angry about what he told me. 

My GPA is too low for engineering.
OK. Fine. I get it. 

What I'm furious about is when he told me. 

Why the FUCK didn't he tell me last spring. Then I could've just discussed other options, gone a different path, and taken classes that would be geared towards a new major. 

I feel terrible. I mean I changed... well, I supposedly changed my major once from "pharmacy" to "engineering" (notice how I put quotations because I wasn't actually enrolled as those majors) and now this? 

I'm wasting their money. 

I can't even finish college. I feel like such a failure as both a student and as their child. 

All they wanted was for me to finish college. To graduate with a degree that I can get a job with right away and get situated with a stable salary. 

And I can't even do that. 

They've done and given me all I've asked for and more. 

And I can't even finish college. 

I'm such a failure. 

It's times like these when I wonder why I'm here. Why I'm put on this planet, looking out of these eyes. 

I remember when I was in high school, all these people were talking about going to a specific college, for a specific major, that leads up to their dream job. They were so goal-oriented. They knew what they wanted and they went after it and fought for it. 

And here I am just floundering. 

I think this is karma. 

Because I remember when I was around 12, I started reading fanfiction. 

For all those unaware, Fanfiction is a remarkable website where people can write their own stories using the characters of movies/books/shows etc.. I started looking there when a couple from a show/movie/book didn't end up where I wanted them to. I guess it was some form of closure for me. 

I started off reading Gilmore Girls fanfic. Specifically Rory and Logan fics. So canon Rory has always been goal-oriented. She knew she wanted to be a journalist and fought tooth and nail for it. She was also a brilliant student with impeccable work ethic. I used to aspire to be "Rory Gilmore"-smart. 

So then later on in the series, Rory loses some of her drive and decides to drop out, take some time off of school. She was lost and couldn't find the will in herself to continue. 

I used to scoff at that. My younger self used to question how someone could possibly be in college of they don't know what they're doing with their life. How someone can be wasting money like that. And taking a year off? What a stupid plan. Why prolong college when you can take your classes, graduate, then get a paying job? 

And now look at me. Exactly in that position. 

Lost, floundering, wasting my time and my parents' money. 

I just want to finish college and graduate. But at this point I feel like that's never going to happen. 

My parents I feel are already disappointed in my for changing my major once already. But to change a second time? 

And at this point in time. I feel like I want to do something I want to do. Something I'm interested in. 


But my dad sees no future in that. He thinks it's one of those "bullshit" majors that "won't lead you anywhere" because it "can't guarantee you a job after college." 

But at this point? I don't care about that. 

I want to be happy. 

And I can honestly say, for the last three years, I haven't been happy. 

My life's a mess and I'm tired. I just want to do something I enjoy. Something that interests me more than just it's starting salary. 

Which by the way is why I picked pharmacy in the first place. Starting salary was about $80,000/year and could increase to $100,000/year. I mean that's a substantial paycheck. I was drawn towards that. But now I realize money isn't enough for me. 

I want happiness in my life. I want to find something that I can enjoy doing everyday. Something that will keep me interested. 

Engineering? I liked the idea of what I could do. I mean my dad does absolutely nothing in his job. Or so he claims. It's a job where he does nothing and earns $50,000-$60,000/year. 

But again, clearly a career of blandness didn't lure me either. 

But my dad was so excited. He loves talking about how much I'm going to live being an engineer and how it's going to be an easy life for me. And I hate how I'm going to have to tell my parent that I'm not going to be an engineer. 

I'm terrified of telling them. I'm going to disappoint them. They're going to be upset with me. 

I'm a terrible daughter. 

I just want them to be proud of me. 

And now I feel like this is just going to make them angry. 

And with psychology, I'm not even sure what I can do with that degree. 

I mean grad school is an option, but that's a lot more vigorous and a shitload more terrifying than undergrad. 

I mean I do enjoy psychology, but can I survive grad school when I'm clearly struggling in undergrad. 

Am I even meant to finish college? 

I meant clearly I have no idea what I'm doing with me life. I'm confused. I'm lost. I'm completely upset with myself. And I hate that my life has come to this. 

I even scheduled an appointment with a psychologist on campus. 

I've reached that point. 

I mean it's necessary. I need to talk to someone about this. Make sense of all this nonsense in my mind. I need some third party to talk this out with. See what'll benefit me or help me or at the very least keep my sanity in tact. 

I don't know how much more of this I can take. 

I just want to curl up in a ball and cry for years. 

Oh, and not only is my academic career in shambles, there's some type of nonsense going on with my armpits. I know I need to tell someone, but it's embarassing. I hate that I have of, but it's starting to become sore, even painful at times. 

Not only that, but I just learned today that I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. 



That God I only have two. But the fact that I need to have surgery. In my mouth no less is just icing on an already perfect year. 

It's just a great year to be JoAnne isn't it?  (#sarcasm)

Note: too lazy to edit. Deal. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Sincerest Apologies

I'm a terrible blogger.

But I will say, it's less than a month since my last post and I think that's progress.

Anyway, I bought something.

It's something I've been hemming and hawing about for a long while. I've debated whether getting this particular product or it's higher end "dupe" (I'm not entirely sure they're dupes, but I think I've read it somewhere).

Revlon Colorstay Foundatoin - Golden Caramel
Retail: $9.98 (Walmart)

Yeeesssss. It was either this or MUFE Mat Velvet +. Which let's be honest, I'll probably buy that at some point.

Oh and before I move on, one of the biggest hangups I had about buying this particular foundation is shade. Because it's the drugstore there's no one to help you find your shade and there's no testers available it's really difficult to find what will match your skin. Especially if you're a new to makeup like I am and haven't yet mastered the shade finding skills or whatever.

And that was quickly rectified by an AMAZING website. And since I'm a new and practically unknown blogger, you know my opinion is real. My sister actually introduced it to me and let me tell you. I was a little skeptical. But I checked it out anyway. And am I glad I did.

It's called Findation.

So if you click that lovely little link above, then you'll be taken to the website and after you clicked the "Get Started" button, you'll be taken to another page.

So then there are three columns: brand, product and shade. And then you enter your favorite foundations and the respective shades in the boxes. The more, the better. Because it supposedly uses some type of formula that cross-references stuff and loads of other scientific and smart things to find you the perfect shade for you in other foundations.

So, for example...

I entered three foundations I know are in the right shade for me because I got them tested at Sephora.

MUFE Mat Velvet +   ~  No. 60 Honey Beige
Sephora Perfecting Cover  ~  Tan 35 Bronze
LM Mineral Powder SPF 15  ~  Pure Honey

Then after entering however many foundation and shades (remember, the more the better), click on the "Find my matches" button.

Then it brings you to a page where a bunch of foundation and respective shades are presented to you in grid form.

Now I mentioned earlier that I only entered three foundations. I do have a few more products I bought from Sephora that have shades. So I left out a few products as sort of a way to check the validity of this site.

MUFE Pro Finish Multi-Use Powder Foundation  ~  168 Golden Camel?


MAC MSF Natural  ~  Give Me Sun!?

Spot on.

Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-hr Full Coverage Foundation  ~  Deep?

Um... Yes.

Now that this website has proved to me that it knows what it's doing, I look at the other suggested foundations and put it down in my notepad for future reference.

Basically this is what I've been looking for my entire life. Now I can walk into Ulta or Sephora or wherever and confidently find my shade.

But back to my original point. My hangups about buying Revlon.

My next hangup was whether or not my skin would react to it. My skin is pretty temperamental when it comes to products. I think I mentioned the terrible "Cetaphil incident" in a previous post. So after that experience I'm doubly concerned about my skin's reactivity. But my sister had tried this foundation a few months prior because she needed it for her 8th grade play and because her skin is a lot more sensitive than mine, I generally use that as a gauge for whether I'll have a reaction. Because if she has a reaction, then chances are I'll have a reaction as well. And since she didn't have any sort of reaction (and the coverage was fabulous) I counted it as a contender.

Also only recently have I been concerned about breaking out because of it. I read and heard that it was hard to get off without a Clarisonic. That concerned me.

But then I realized that all the people who wrote about and talked about it in videos didn't use a makeup wipe prior to washing their face off. Which I think is just weird.

Since I've bought it, I've worn it twice and I like it. A lot.

Because recently my skin has been acting up. All the pimples I've been having are leaving the skin discolored. Now I'm riddled with hyper-pigmentation on my cheeks. Not only that but I've got active breakouts on my chin and between my eyebrows.

I mean... WHAT?!

I used to have one or two at a single time, now I have four. FOUR!

I think it's the cows milk. I read that cows milk can cause acne and I think that's the problem. Because during the summer I was drinking almond milk, it was a fascination and I do actually love the vanilla flavored one. But recently I went back to using cows milk because it was a hassle to have two different milk containers in the fridge (especially now since we have a water pitcher because our dispenser is broken). And now, probably two months after starting cows milk again I've gotten acne and in places I've never had then before.

Pimples were usually only on my chin and forehead, which made sense because that's where the most oil was produced. Now, I'm getting them under my eyebrows and on my cheeks. It saddens me that I've gone my entire adolescence with relatively decent skin (minus a few spots here and there) only to enter adulthood and be slapped in the face by adult acne. Or at least that's what I think this could be attributed to. Apart from the cows milk that is.

Anywho... my back hurts now, my fingers are starting to cramp and the video I was listening to just ended and there's no sound coming from these earphones. Blah.

I'm done now.


Note: I haven't the energy or will power to re-read this post. So if anything is spelt wrong or could be worded better, but imagine it a different way. Be creative. I'm only human. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Another week bites the dust.

I, for one, am tired.

I believe my last post was on Tuesday, my longest day of the week and today is Thursday.

I feel like today is the shortest day of the week because I'm out of here by noon, but I'm here for a good 6 hours. But it doesn't feel like 6 hours because I only have two classes and their around two hours apart. My shortest days are definitely Monday and Wednesday. I guess it feels like a long day because my second class ends at four, but my day starts at one. So I'm really on campus for only three hours.

But I feel what I feel. And I feel like Thursdays are my shortest days. Plus this is my last of the week, the beginning of my weekend. So I'm feeling good today.

And now I don't know what to say.

I am hungry. But all I have are yogurt/granola bars that I'm sick of. And I don't want to buy anything because I'm eating out tomorrow. So I don't want to spend money. I'm trying to save money here. But I keep wanting/needing to buy things.

Woe is me. Life if hard.

Note: No time to edit. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm not witty enough to articulate a title right now.

I'm currently between classes right now. I've got a half-an-hour break between my first two classes today followed by a two-and-a-half hour break between my last two classes. Today is my longest day.

From 8am to 4pm.

I realize that this is basically an eight-hour day. Most normal working people go to work for this long day in and day out.

But clearly I'm not normal. In fact, I'm spoiled. I only have five classes. And they're spread out pretty well. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I start late. My first class, Calculus III, is from 1:20-2:40 and that's followed closely by my Elements of Physics Class at 2:50-4:10. Yes I finish late on that day as well, but I start in the afternoon and I'm only really on campus for about 2-3 hours (depending on whether I have a test on that day or not). Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays (initially) I had Microeconomics at 8:00-9:20 (although we usually end a little after 9 but before 9:15 because of the professor's stamina. His words. Not mine). Then I have my first break, the break mentioned above, followed by Abnormal Psychology from 11:00-12:20.

Which by the way, I love. I love learning about all the different disorders: the symptoms, treatments, I even enjoy learning about the statistics. If I had the choice, and it either didn't matter if I got a job or not or I had a job lined up right after college, I'd want to major in psychology. I don't know what branch though, I was thinking about psychiatry but I'm not sure. And I'd also love to minor in photography. I definitely don't like being in front of the camera. Some people are just photogenic and I am just not one of those people. I can't quite figure out how to smile without making my eyes disappear. It's a work in progress. I much prefer being behind the camera and taking the perfect shot. Freezing a moment in time, keeping it forever, what's not to love about that?

But it's irrelevant at this point. I am attempting to become a civil engineering major. And I really want it. For me and my parents.

That's the one thing I really want. To make my parents proud. Above all things, I want to make them happy and proud of me.

Disappointing them would definitely fall under my fears category. Along with spiders and being generally unhappy with my life. I'm a deep person, I know.

And after that long tangent, let's get back on topic.

Note that I put "initially" in italics. That's because that's how my schedule was previously. It is no longer.

But to be honest, only Tuesday changed. I still go home after Psychology on Thursdays (which is perfect because I have Fridays off, so my weekend starts early).

But on Tuesday, I had to add Calc III Recitation.

Imagine my surprise when I went into that class I learned that recitation was required.

WHAT?! (dramatization)

I thought that if you were registered for the lecture, you were automatically registered for recitation. But of course, Rutgers likes to be different. And naturally I find this out after the add/drop date passed so I had to fill out a form and get it signed by multiple people and then have the Registrar register me for the class.

All I might add while I made the decision to break in my new boots on campus. I'm clearly a genius.

So now, on Tuesdays I have to stay after Psychology for another two-and-a-half hours for a recitation from 3:00-3:55. I know it's only 55 minutes long. But it's the longest 55 minutes, I'm certain. The teacher doesn't wait for people to raise their hands, no. He goes down each row and makes each person answer a question. If I knew all the answers and was actually studying for this class, then it wouldn't be an issue. But I don't study. I hate it and I hate that I sound like an idiot when I can't answer a simple question that everyone else in the class seems to know.

That's pretty much why I didn't go to class last Tuesday. I didn't want to deal with it and I'm just not happy with that class. If we didn't take quizzes in that class and it didn't count towards our final grade, I wouldn't go. That's how it was with Calculus I, the recitation wasn't mandatory, they only went over homework questions (I didn't have the book, ergo I didn't do the homework) and at the end of the semester, recitation only added a few extra credit points to your final grade. But they've caught on. Now they're making recitation part of your final grade. So I'm forced to go really.

I feel like such an idiot in that class. I feel like I'm the one stupid kid in a room full of students who know what they're doing.

Although, last Wednesday, we had our first exam and I thought everyone else knew what they were doing because they never had any questions in lecture and there were a lot of people who finished their exam quickly, so I thought I was screwed. I knew 5 out of 8 questions on that test (which I'm happy to report I got the 5 questions I knew right and the 3 questions I didn't know wrong. I'm calling that a win). I thought I was going to bring the average down.

But then to my surprise, when I got to class on Monday everyone was talking about not knowing what they were doing on that test and that they got such a bad/low grade on the test. I heard that one person got a 31! 31%!!

You have no idea the relief I felt at that point. I'm not the only one struggling.

Well. Struggling is a harsh word. It's not that I'm struggling. For the most part, I'm understanding what's happening in class right now. And the homework, except a few questions, I can answer pretty easily (although I do refer back to my notes). So I get what's going on in lecture, but then during the exam I just blank. I'm just not a good test taker. I'm human.

Oh and if you're wondering about my grade. I'm not telling. But let's just say that it's pretty much the same mark I got on my Calc II first exam. Clearly, I'm nothing if not consistent.

So today is Tuesday. And my longest day. *sigh*

I hate these long days. And having a long break before recitation is both good and terrible. It's good because I have the chance to go over my notes in hopes of not sounding like a complete airhead in class. But at the same time it's terrible because I have a whole two hours to mull over whether or not I should go to class.

I just don't like this class.

I don't.

What else can I talk about...

Oh, Sunday I went to Church, as per usual. And Father John was presiding. And while he's young, I feel like he's trying a little too hard to be funny (during the homily) and some of his jokes don't exactly hit it out of the park. But this Sunday was different. He started his homily with a joke which was funny, even I laughed. And then he kinda lost me, I'll admit that. But then towards the end of his homily, he says "on a completely unrelated topic" and I got a little concerned because I thought that he wasn't finished and was going to keep talking. But then he talks about the brain and how it reaches its peak at the age of 22 and starts its cognitive decline at the age of 27. Then he goes on to tell us that's he's 31, "four years into his cognitive decline" (his words, not mine) and that his memory isn't what it used to be or something like that. Then he starts to talk about how one of the altar servers filled up the baptismal font really well and then he mentions that he forgot to bring the "book." Now I'm sure there's a name for this book and I know he said it, but I can't remember. I haven't even reached my peak and already it's not looking good. Anyway, then he says that he needs to get the book because the altar server doesn't know where it is. And promptly leaves the altar to retrieve the book after our laughter.

I thought that was a BRILLIANT segue. Brilliant. I was very impressed.

Anyway, my hands are cramping from the typing. So I need to wrap this up.

It's been real. And it's be nice.

Until next time!

-- JoAnne

**Note: I'm lazy, so if there are any mistakes or something that could be worded better or something that doesn't flow as easily as it should, just deal with it, figure out how to say it better, say it in your head and then keep on reading. I'm only human. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Well, hello there!

It's definitely been a while. 

Not intentionally, but I guess I just haven't been having any interesting thoughts/rants I could tell you about. 

But today, I do. 

So it's about 3 weeks into the fall semester and I just had my first exam today. A calculus exam to be specific. 

And I have to admit, it has me a little discouraged. 

I've never actually studied for math. Ever. In my life. 

Math usually comes pretty easily to me and so I never find it necessary to study for math. More often just doing the homework would suffice. 

But this is calculus III and I knew that I needed to study for it. But because I've never needed to study for it previously, I have no clue where to begin when it comes to study. 

All I really did was write down all the formulas and their corresponding purpose. 

I mean that does help. Seeing it in front of me, all in one area makes it easier for me to "study." 

There were 8 questions on the test. I'm pretty sure I knew 5 of them. The other three... I don't know. 

I can only hope and pray to God that I can redeem myself from that pathetic show of math skills. 

This is why I hate assessments. I just freeze and forget things. 

I mean, give me a paper or a quiz, anything! But put a test in front of me and I just can't do it. 


I want to cry. 

Friday, September 6, 2013


I just found out that Dakota Fanning will be taking the female lead in Fifty Shades of Gray. 


I'm upset. 

A movie is all about the actors. Most of the time, a movie will appeal to an audience based on its cast. 

Especially for book adaptations. 

Now, I understand that everyone has their own opinions of how characters look, so therefore not everyone can be pleased. But this isn't just preference. 

Unless Miss Dakota Fanning has some sort of miraculous makeover, I cannot picture her as a submissive (yes I read the books, don't judge). She looks the same, I feel like she doesn't look old enough for this role. 

I mean, why? 

And the male lead. Charlie Hunnam, is it? 

Never heard of him. I had to look him up. 

He's apparently from Sons of Anarchy

I find myself greatly disappointed in the casting of this adaptation. Did the author really find these two as perfect for these roles?!

Was she high that day on set? 

I was excited to see how they were going to make the series into a movie, because their relationship revolved mainly around the BDSM concept and how it matures and evolves into a deep connection. I was initially interested in how they were going to explore the storyline. 

Now I'm not so excited. Not at all. 

I heard rumors of Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel. Now that was a pairing I was interested in and I found myself crossing my fingers that that would be true and they'd be cast. 

I was wrong and oh so disappointed. 


It's a sad day when a casting of a movie I look forward to is so disappointing. 

I can't even bring myself to properly end this post.